Show Your Sacred Bits

Jessica Lyda
4 min readJan 31, 2021
In my power outfit

What does it mean for something to be sacred? The dictionary defines it as “connected with God (or the gods) and deserving of veneration.” In everyday life we see sacred as something or someone with shocking power that demands great respect. Religions teach us that what is sacred is secret. We hide away our most prized artifacts in temples and behind a long list of requirements to be able to see them. We hide pieces of our bodies. We’ve been taught to keep what is most special hidden less out of respect and more out of fear.

When did we come to believe that hiding our power preserves it?

Growing up in a deeply religious background taught me to hide pieces of myself early. “Modesty” was a big part of my upbringing — choosing shirts with sleeves, one-piece swimsuits, skirts and shorts that were just long enough, and altering prom dresses to fit the standard. This wardrobe did less hiding me from my peers and more separating me from them. I was told hiding the special pieces of my body would keep me and them safe but regardless of the intention behind it, covering myself didn’t make me feel powerful about my body; it made me feel ashamed of it.

I still remember when I bought my very first bikini. I was 21 years old, in a completely different country, and still looking over my shoulder in the store, worried that someone would catch me in the act, like I was doing something wrong for wanting to show off my body. The day I put that bikini on and allowed myself to be seen was the first time I felt powerful in a very long time. I still have pieces of my body that I don’t love — little bulges and jiggles and evidence of my deeeep love for dessert but my bikini is still my power outfit. Mainly because hiding my imperfections never made me feel anything but shame and there is something so freeing about literally showing the world who you are.

Our bodies are not the only things that are sacred about us. Our gifts are sacred too. When I first became a healer, I hid it from the world. When people asked what I did for work, I would whisper it under my breath, change the subject or hope that they would ignore it and move onto another topic quickly. The more I started sharing my gifts, the more I realized how they can serve the world. The more sessions I did, the more my gifts excelled. Showing the world my power actually elevated it. Our gifts are one of the most sacred things about us — imagine what the world would be like if we never showed them.

Awe. Inspire. Let yourself be seen by the world.

It’s time to undress the idea of what respecting the sacred means. By keeping our sacred bits hidden, we are stripping them of purpose and ourselves of impact. What is sacred is meant to awe and inspire but we have to show it to allow it. Why does something have to be rare for it to be special? More eyes do not mean less value. Perhaps the best way to respect what is most sacred about us is to show it to the world. Now I’m not suggesting that we all become nudists or that you reject your religion. What I am saying is that we give a voice to the pieces of ourselves we think are special.

Those sacred pieces of ourselves are the things that connect us most to the universe. By hiding them, we are isolating ourselves from our divinity. Imagine what the world would look like if it hid its sacred bits. What if the sky hid its stars or the birds never flew? How many pieces of yourself are you hiding from the world? Does it make you feel powerful to hide them?

Your body deserves to be seen and take up space. Allow your presence to be known. The world is craving your gifts and your gifts are craving impact; stop hiding them to preserve them. Let the world witness what is sacred about you.

Ready to uncover what’s sacred about you? Book your One-On-One Energy Healing Session. Together we’ll clear out the fear you’re hiding behind and get you back into alignment with your genuine self.

As an Energy Healer I use muscle testing, breath work, chakra clearing, and more to connect you to the truth your body is telling you. I work with experienced healers and first time explorers looking to release mental, physical, and emotional blocks that are causing pain. Book your energy healing session here to start your healing journey.



Jessica Lyda

A chocoholic and Energy Healer in search of nomadic nirvana and epic alignment