Proving Yourself is a Waste of Time

Jessica Lyda
4 min readSep 19, 2019
Photo by Rachel M. Peck

Famously Unworthy

Lately I’ve been working on some very successful people — many of them big business owners and famous actors and actresses in Hollywood. A simple Google search gives you their countless accolades and awards yet when I meet with them you would never know all of these external successes exist. All of them are burdened with heavy feelings of worthlessness and failure. The first time I met with a famous actor, I didn’t even know he was famous.

1. I’m terrible with names and

2. He went on about how he didn’t think anyone saw his last 3 films and they were a flop.

I literally painted a picture of this guy as a struggling young actor who eats SpaghettiOs out of the can and might not even have enough income to pay for this session. Turns out he was in fact a millionaire.

I started to realize that our stories were aligned in some way. As my healing practice grows and I continue manifesting and achieving bigger and bigger goals, I too encounter the same feelings and doubt my worth.

Success Breeds Unworthiness

Success breeds unworthiness. Finally reaching the goals we’ve worked so long and hard to chase makes us turn around and ask “Wait…. am I really worthy of this?” “Have I worked hard enough to deserve this?” We start looking around at everyone else in this new space and wonder if we fit in. Did security make a mistake? Do we really belong here?

After working so hard to prove our worthiness to the world, we must turn around and prove it to ourselves. In reality, proving yourself is a waste of time. The universe has already deemed you worthy. Fluke or not, you are already here. You have already achieved and you will achieve more. We don’t have to carry a passport of qualifications everywhere we go just to be allowed in. Even before everything we might accomplish in this life, before we ever succeeded or failed, the universe looked at us and said “you are worthy and you matter.” And now, here we are doubting if we have the right to be this happy.

Success forces us to face our biggest fear — transcendence; the fact that we can grow more than our minds have the capacity to calculate. It’s unpredictable and terrifying. It makes us look the value we never knew existed in the face and accept it.

I’ve Had Enough of Never Being Enough

Still we can’t allow success alone to define our worth. External success is simply a manifestation of inner worth. Success is just the after party; we’ve already performed; now it’s time to celebrate. If we’re looking for the external rewards to show up first, the worthiness will never come.

This is a story I know all too well. Many of the goals I held in life were never enough when I achieved them. Valedictorian of my High School? Not enough. Valedictorian of my college? Not enough. Starting my own business? Not enough. Finding my true calling? Not enough. All of the tales of miracles and testimonials and magic my clients told me I brought into their lives? Not enough. A 100% referral based practice with no time or need to market myself? Still not enough. I’m done with never being enough for myself.

I used to think that all of the healing sessions I did were the most important part of my day. During meditation I realized (Let’s be real — it was shouted at me because apparently I didn’t hear it the 1000xs they said it before. Also anyone who says meditation is meant to be peaceful and inspiration comes in quiet whispers is a liar.) the most important part of my day was coming back to myself. It was in all of the pieces in between my work. It was what I did to honor myself and celebrate and breathe.

Enjoy the After Party

If we take away everything we externally contribute to the world — our job, our looks, everything we do for others, we are left with completely 100% ourselves. This is where we can stand tall in knowing that we matter not just because we exist in and for the world, but because we exist in and for ourselves too.

Stop being the bouncer to your own self worth. Stop asking if you belong here or making lists as to why you deserve this. You’ve already arrived. Take the successes as the after parties they are and light that shit up!

Life Should be a Genuine Conversation!

Sometimes we have become so disconnected from our bodies that we need help getting back in touch with them. That’s where I come in.

As an Energy Healer I use muscle testing, breath work, chakra clearing, and more to connect you to the truth your body is telling you. I work with experienced healers and first time explorers looking to release mental, physical, and emotional blocks that are causing pain. Book your energy healing session here to start your healing journey.



Jessica Lyda

A chocoholic and Energy Healer in search of nomadic nirvana and epic alignment