Healing the Healer Archetype

Jessica Lyda
7 min readDec 14, 2020
I am a “Healer” and I listen to Lizzo and Cardi B. I eat Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Therapy on the weekends, and sometimes I doubt the universe.

There is a lot of trauma wound up into the “Healer” archetype. We see Healers as needless beings who sacrifice all of themselves for the good of the whole. But sacrificing yourself for the benefit of everyone else isn’t and has never been the answer. You are a part of everyone, so how would burning yourself out or giving until you have nothing left be beneficial to the whole? There is a different way to heal; one that doesn’t involve chronic burnout, compassion fatigue, being broke, or humbling away all of your power. It’s time to redefine what it means to be a Healer. So let’s debunk some common mystic myths shall we?

Myth #1: To be a Healer, you have to sacrifice who you are.

LIES. Being a Healer is a part of who you are. If you sacrifice yourself, you sacrifice your gifts too.

Toxic Femininity

As Healers, we play a lot in the realm of feminine energy. Feminine energy is where flow exists. It nurtures, heals, and receives. It is the energy of change and of acceptance. We’ve all heard of Toxic Masculinity but something that often gets overlooked is Toxic Femininity. This involves overgiving, over-allowing, victimization, and changing ourselves for others — as if we could change the world by being anyone but ourselves. I’ve witnessed this Toxic Femininity countless times in my life. I myself have experienced extreme burnout even to the point of making myself physically ill to help someone else. I’ve seen a dear elderly friend of mine spend her whole life serving others to the point of getting cancer multiple times with no way of receiving help. I’ve seen a client of mine take in her elderly father when he had COVID only to get it herself and barely make it to the other side. I’ve seen my own mother overgive and overpromise to the point of becoming resentful towards those she serves. Making yourself into a resource to be taken from is not noble; it’s exhausting.

You never have to sacrifice yourself to help those around you. One more time, YOU NEVER HAVE TO SACRIFICE YOURSELF TO HELP THOSE AROUND YOU. Let that sink in for a moment. I once had a mentor tell me that you can only give from a place of overflowing light; if not, you end up giving pieces of yourself to other people until there’s nothing left for you to give. As Healers, it is our job to cultivate this overflowing light so that we can give more and be more. You know that saying you can’t pour from an empty cup? Well you can’t even pour from a full one. You can only truly give from the overflow. So how do we cultivate this overflowing light?

Sacred Selfishness

Sacred Selfishness — it’s a Healer’s best friend. Sacred Selfishness means taking the overwhelming responsibility to serve everyone else’s needs, cutting that shit out and focusing on one person — you. As tribal creatures, human beings are literally preprogrammed so that what brings us the most enjoyment is also what helps our community the most. It’s that elation you feel after doing something for another person and it’s probably the drug that got most of us addicted to healing in the first place. That means if you focus on you and your joy, that is where the impact is. Giving to the point of it feeling wrong means something IS wrong. It’s your human programming saying you’re wasting your time and this is no longer efficient. Take your break already and go eat some chocolate, then come back and work your magic. Stop saying yes so often before checking in with yourself. Stop sacrificing yourself and your gifts and start nourishing them.

Myth #2: To be a Healer, you can’t take any credit.

LAAAME. Here we’re getting into something called false humility. False humility involves pretending you aren’t powerful to make everyone more comfortable including yourself. You can see this myth at work when it comes to Healers attributing their gifts to other things. Saying things like “Oh it wasn’t really me, it was the plant medicine that works through me that healed you.” I don’t care if you are a nurse, therapist, energy worker, coach, parent, child, masseuse, empath, or just a really good listener. If you are a Healer, you are a Superhero so own your damn Superpowers. We are not here just to be “humble” servants of the universe. We are commanders of energy. How much more impact would you be able to have if you owned your powers and gifts? Go find out.

Myth #3: To be a Healer, you can’t make any money.

Ok I’m guilty of this one big time. Before I became a Healer, I had a thriving Social Media business. It was hard for me to give it up because I thought if I became an Energy Healer, I’d also have to become a Yoga Teacher or Barista on the side because Healers don’t make money. WRONGO! After only being an outed Energy Healer for 2 years, I am now making six figures, at one point this year I was the sole-provider of our household, and my income continues to soar. It’s not because I took a magical course or market myself all of the time. It’s because I followed my soul’s calling and there is a ton of abundance awaiting you there. I still struggle with this and it took me a long time to understand and charge what I am worth. Every time I increased my prices, I’d be so nervous no one would pay me. I was terrified that I’d lose people because they would realize I wasn’t worth it. Instead of losing people every time I upped my prices, I got more and I got encouragement from those I was already working with.

The universe wants to pay you. People want to pay you. Let others invest in themselves. Stop giving things out for free if it doesn’t feel right. You can have all you need, even more than what you need and still be helping people. You don’t have to struggle to heal. Heal the struggle and let the universe show you what you are worth.

Myth #4: To be a Healer, you have to be perfect and needless.

HAHAHAHA THAT’S A GOOD ONE. So you’re telling me I have all of these gifts and superpowers but I can’t use them for myself? Ya right. There’s this idea of Healers being a resource for others instead of themselves. The result of this is something called compassion fatigue and it sucks. Compassion fatigue is when healing starts to hurt. You start dreading your appointments and other peoples’ problems. People come to the compassion station for a fill up but you’re out of juice so all you have left to give is resentment because you gave someone else the compassion you needed to give yourself. The truth is that you cannot give until you yourself have received. You have to receive the fullness of who you are and what is meant to flow through you not just for everyone else but for you too.

Universal Health Insurance

If you’re a Healer, your boss is not the hospital or your clients or patients. Your boss is the universe. And that comes with certain responsibilities but also certain benefits. If you are a Healer, you have access to something I like to call Universal Health Insurance. That’s the right to ask the universe for what you need to do your job well. Maybe you need a massage, or some encouragement, or inspiration. Ask for it. Oh and don’t forget to receive (that’s the hard part).

Being a Healer means having all 4 elements at your grasp to harness not just for others, but for yourself. So when you need some fiery sparks to remind you why you do what you do, ask. When you need some water to cleanse all that you have taken on, let it rain. When you need the winds of change to help you move through something, Pocahontas that shit. Oh and when you need some rest and to come back to Earth, Gaia is waiting for you. I used to have an issue with that last one. I had this fear of giving things to Mother Earth because I felt like she already had so much to deal with. She told me that she is a Healer too and me being afraid to give her my burdens would be like someone not letting me do my job as a Healer because they were worried about bothering me. Let the universe be there for you the same way you are there for it.

Being a Healer also means you get access to a community of world changers. One of my greatest blessings has been working with other Healers to heal each other and share our gifts. We are not separate beings trying to hold the world together, we’re a coalition. So don’t be afraid to reach out to others in your healing community when you need a boost. Healers deserve healing too.

What it Really Means to Be a Healer

Healers are not resources to be taken from. We are not just humble servants of the universe. We are commanders of energy. We are facilitators of miracles. Healing doesn’t have to hurt or take from you. It can give you more than you ever thought you deserved. Your gifts don’t just exist for everyone else but for you too.

Ready to debunk what it means to be you? Book your One-On-One Energy Healing Session. Together we’ll clear out the lies you were told and taught and get you back into alignment with your genuine self.

As an Energy Healer I use muscle testing, breath work, chakra clearing, and more to connect you to the truth your body is telling you. I work with experienced healers and first time explorers looking to release mental, physical, and emotional blocks that are causing pain. Book your energy healing session here to start your healing journey.



Jessica Lyda

A chocoholic and Energy Healer in search of nomadic nirvana and epic alignment